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Replenish - weekend with Lillee Chandra & Sandrine


A liberatory, sensory, experiential learning playground

with Lillee Chandra SEP, LMT, E-RYT (she/her) & Sandrine Harris SEP, RSMT/E, GCFP (she/her)

WEEKEND PROGRAM (with lodging and meals)

Friday, Sept 13th @ 4pm


Sunday, Sept 15th @ 1pm

The practice of embodiment can change how we experience ourselves, our life's work, our relationships… and yes, even the world.

REPLENISH is a sensory playground experience to slow down, fill up, and meet yourself with renewed curiosity, tap into your body’s profound wisdom and carry that energy forward to all that matters. 

During this weekend, we develop skills to deepen and widen our capacity for sensing, tracking, and uncovering what embodiment actually feels like through: nourishing movement and self-massage, expressive mark-making, inspired applications of Somatic Experiencing®, meditative flows, and essential nervous system education.

Grounded in 20+ years each of professional body nerding and trauma-sensitive education and practices, Sandrine Harris and Lillee Chandra bring together an abundance of somatic processes that invite greater awareness, belonging, self-recovery and multi-dimensional discovery.  

So, come and play with us at the edges of personal and collective transformation. Because ripples can be radical in still waters!


Lillee’s work spans more than two decades and is a distinct blend of body nourishment that combines rehabilitative movement, masterful touch therapies and embodied trauma education. She is a clinical orthopedic massage therapist, a Somatic Experiencing® Practitioner (SEP), a certified yoga anatomy teacher and trainer for educators, coaches, clinicians, or anyone looking to tap into the genius of their sensory selves. Lillee owns a movement and manual therapy private practice on former Quinnipiac lands in CT and is committed to creating more equitable ways to spread the “love and light” around in the yoga, fitness and wellness worlds. She has presented at Kripalu, Equinox, Pure Yoga, YogaWorks, and Princeton University.  Inspired collaborations in the visual arts, co-parenting two fab kids and maintaining a wide eyed student-of-life status fill her days.


Sandrine Harris shares dynamic experiences of embodied presence, co-creation, healing, and connection internationally. Her work, Emergent Nature, grows through Somatic Experiencing® (collaborating in integrating lived experience, healing trauma, stress and chronic pain patterns), Feldenkrais® somatic learning, meditation, creativity praxis and movement. She is interested in deep self-learning, integration of lived experience, and cultivating curiosity and playfulness.

Sandrine has spent over a decade in process with adults healing from violence, incarceration, cycles of addiction, illness, mental health challenges, and more. She has accompanied several humans in their end-of-life journey, and supports the process of grief. As a consultant, she regularly serves organizations in becoming trauma-educated. She is a member of the US Association of Body Psychotherapy (USABP), and is a somatic movement therapist-educator (RSMT/E). Sandrine has offered programs internationally including at the OMEGA Institute (NYS), Grace Farms Foundation (CT), Royal Academy of Dance (London), NYU, and Sandy Hook Promise.

Sandrine lives close with nature through the stewardship of unceded Stockbridge Munsee Mohican land, where she is heartened to continue her own healing.


September 6

Meditation in Nature - weekly community gathering *final*

September 21

Autumnal Equinox Meditation Celebration - Naumkeag gardens